Welcome to YogaLane

We are a small yoga studio in Seaton, with fully qualified Teachers. Our Teachers also teach at other studios, but as YogaLane classes increase this is where our focus will be.

Why Attend a Small Yoga Studio?

There are some great benefits for you, the student, in attending a small yoga studio.

You’ll meet everyone in the class

Obviously class sizes will be small, and this adds a more relaxed, intimate, and friendly atmosphere, to the practice overall. I’m not saying a large class can’t be friendly, but it’s far less likely that you will know everyone in that class, or get to know them. In a small class it’s inevitable that you will get to know everyone, and it’s easier to strike up conversations before, or after class, with like-minded people. If you’re shy, and a little nervous, you can count on the other students introducing themselves, and quickly making you feel welcome.

You’ll also meet, and be able to interact with the teacher during class, which doesn’t always happen in a larger class. The smaller class size can enable you to feel relaxed enough to ask questions, which you might not feel comfortable doing in a larger class.

Personal Attention

In a small class the teacher gets to know every student, and is able to give personal attention if, and when, it’s needed. This can be very beneficial especially if you’re just beginning your yoga journey.

Can Make Learning Poses Easier

Who hasn’t been in a large class where you can’t see the teacher clearly, because of other bodies in front of you, or hear them clearly either. In most cases it’s just easier to copy the students in front of you, but if those students haven’t got the pose quite right then you’re also copying their mistakes.

In a small class it’s not only easier to hear the teacher’s instructions, but it’s also easier to see the pose they are demonstrating. This makes it more likely for students, especially beginners, to get the poses right the first time.

We hope you’ll join us as we grow.

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